Intervening to keep them safe – an additional module to the ionFolks system.
Anxiety towards the end of the day, possibly triggered by changing light conditions (depending on the time of year and latitude), may cause an individual to react in believing that their house is not theirs and that they live in a house no longer available to them.
(1) The ionFolks system identifies the client opening the front door in the target time period with no external influences e.g. front door bell being rung. The system calls all of the specified caring groups on their mobile phones.
(2) The first carer to answer that call is connected to a telephone by the front door – which is on Auto-answer and Intercom mode. This hardware is provided by ionFolks.
(3) An intervention can take place in order to reassure and comfort the client and to keep them from leaving the house.
(4) If the client ignores the intervention, the system will use the camera in the external intercom to photograph the client leaving, identifying their clothing and the event details.
(5) The system then loads the picture into the Last Visitors directory on the app – Intercom – with date and time stamp.